Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thoughts More Random Than Normal

My son always tells me I'm random. I know it's true. I have hundreds of thoughts in my head at any given time so I can't really help it. I've worked on this little problem of mine. Focus Darrie, I'm often telling myself. It's one of the reasons why I often force myself speaking slowly, I'm trying to stick to the topic at hand. It doesn't always work. However, when I'm in a focused mood I often talk to fast for people to understand me.

It's a wonder I ever know what a movie is about because I often think of related topics when I watch. Even now, as I type this, I'm thinking about the food that I'm preparing for dinner tonight, what I'm going to wear tomorrow to work, about my friend Carol who is suffering with the big c at the moment, and a few special men in my life - not least of which is my son. I'm also listening to my iPod at the moment so I'm thinking about the meanings of the songs I'm hearing.

But I'll move on... back to the topic at hand. Randomness.

I got my taxes out just by the skin of my teeth this year. My old accountant retired so I had to get a new one, what a pain in the ass.

I inherited my sisters cat, Gracie, when my sister moved into her new appartment. Charm, my son's cat, does not like her at all. Now they argue over who is gonna come lay in my room. Right now, Charm has won the day. I dunno if I like having two cats, my house isn't huge, especially with my sister's two dogs already living here. I need to do something I think.

I saw Punisher: War Zone yesterday. Bloody. Ever more so than the first one. I'm not really sure which one I liked better, but I do like Ray Stevenson better as Frank Castle. So maybe that gives WZ a leg up. I was going to take Jeffrey to the movies today to see Fast and Furious but he ended up spending the night at a friends house and didn't get home early enough to do so. I will eventually watch Transporter 3 today... gotta love Jason Statham.

I've been avoiding mentioning that my favorite television show of all time was cancelled on April 1st of this year. It will continue it's run until September 18th of this year, but then it's done. Hopefully I'll be in Ireland at that time so maybe I won't notice. I guess 72 years in production isn't bad. :)

Again I'm reading about 4 books at once. Once I finish one, I replace it with another. Only one is a novel so it's taking a little longer to read them all than normal. I hate to admit that but what the hell.

My friends Russell and Amy (they are also followers of this blog) got married last Saturday. I'm so happy for them. Like I said, they give me a bit of hope for the future. My future that is.

I still haven't settled on the type of car I'm gonna buy. I just hate giving up Lord Vader, even though I know it's time for it.

This blasted ear infection I have is driving me mad. I normally have a problem hearing, this is making it worse. Damn ears!

I think I might be outta practice knowing when people/guys are bs'ing me. Now that I've decided to give things in that aspect of life a chance, I never know who is saying stuff to get over and who is saying stuff in a sincere manner. Taking kindness for weakness is a bad way to treat a person.

Ahhh.... too many things to type, not enough time to do it. Gonna go write, talk to you all later.
I love you, as always.


SweetPeaSurry said...

Nice new post, happy writing,

bright blessings!

Anonymous said...

Next time we go to dinner I want to see this thing you are writing. 'SG'

boromirbeauty said...

SweetPea: Thank you, I've been having a lot of fun with the writing. :)

boromirbeauty said...

SG: Okay, it's a date. :P