Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Apparent Horoscope (s)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Trying to find a sensible way to accomplish everything you have on your schedule today can be frustrating. It's not that you have loaded up your calendar with too many things to do; rather, each task requires more time and energy than you ever imagined. Keep your emotions in check; if you reveal your irritation to everyone else, it will only bog down your day even further. Just remember, if you can visualize the finish line, then you'll be able to get there eventually.

The Chariot
May your victories be sweet.
Deck: Winged Spirit Tarot
Traditionally, the card usually entitled the Chariot points to a triumphal feeling of freedom, as if the charioteer is being paraded through the streets as a hero (or heroine). The card reflects congratulations for high achievement, and serves as a sign of empowerment. Huge wheels and frisky steeds speed the rate at which the driver's will power can be realized. This kind of charge makes more of the world accessible to one ambitious enough to seize the Chariot's reins. But there is danger in this feeling of freedom, because of the increased rate of change and its power to magnify mistakes in judgment. As a seasoned warrior, the Charioteer is called upon to be extra attentive to the way ahead.

Friendship Compatibility of Cancer with Pisces
This is a friendship that affords great joy and happiness to you both. You love Pisces's movie collection, while they adore your cooking. You admire the Fish's humanitarian principles, while they admire your financial sense. You delight in Pisces's imagination, while they relish your sense of humor. This mutual appreciation society is only bolstered by your many common interests, including swimming, dream interpretation and poetry. Are there any sore spots between you? Well, yes. Pisces's flakiness can hurt your feelings, especially when your pal forgets an appointment, anniversary, or birthday. On the other hand, the Fish sometimes feels that your mothering borders on smothering. If you can manage to forgive each other's weaknesses, you'll form a strong bond that will last for a lifetime.

Love Compatibility of Cancer with Pisces
When Crabs and Fish meet, they understand each other almost immediately. In a way, you are zodiac cousins, living in the same watery world. You share a bond that isn't intellectual - it's based on a shared sensitivity, awareness and compassion. Your Pisces is tuned into your ever-changing moods and emotional needs. Meanwhile, you can sense when your fish is confused or in pain. You can often communicate with each other without even saying a word. Like two peas in a pod, you have what it takes to live together in the garden of eternal happiness.

Number for Today: 3
Your creativity continues to manifest in every area of your life today. A sense of excitement permeates your daily routine, and at times you may lack focus. Clear communication is important today.

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