Monday, March 30, 2009

Tear Sheets, NYMBANCO Machines, and Copy Paper... OH MY!

Can I just start of by saying I love my job. Yeah, it's far away from my house, and quite often I deal with some of the stupidest people in existance, but it's not bad as far as jobs go. Personally I'd love a job where I am up and around more, I just have a problem with sitting still for so long, but I'm good at it so I can't really complain.

There are, however, many things about my job that I hate. I'm not paid half of what I'm worth, but I don't work for the money in the end, it's more about health insurance at this point. The person who manages my department isn't worth a damn as a manager. She is too busy wanting to be everyone's friend to do a decent job at managing the department. Then there's that idiot who works in my department. You know, I've spoken of her often. I used to look at her and think, 'she's a decent human being' but I'm at the point now that I can't even say that. She treats everyone with utter disrespect, both as people and as co-workers. I've been at the brink of nearly kicking her in the teeth a few times, all because of her lack of professionalism... although that wouldn't really be professional of me at all.

I'm a hard working person. I always have been. I've had a variety of jobs since the time I was 13 years old. My main problem is I get really bored after a while of working in one place. I'm trying very hard to hold on at my current position. It just doesn't make sense for me to leave a secure place with the economy the way it is now.... especially since my plan is to move to Ireland after my son graduates high school in 2010. Yet I've no idea what I'll do when I get there. Donal says that it will be hard for me to get a job... let alone be able to stay there without citizenship. I guess I've got some time to work that out. Who knows, maybe I'll become a therapist in that time and I'll have a great thing to offer the country. *shrug* Other than my bubbly personality that is. :p

As always, I love you all.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Revealing My Mind

So I see a therapist every week. It's part of the reason why I want to become one myself, I know if it weren't for the woman I see every Saturday I'd still be stuck in the awful limbo I was after the deaths of the two men who meant so much to my life. Not to mention that whole 'big C' situation I had a few years back.

Yesterday she and I were talking about the men in my life now. Chris, Donal, Mark, Joe, Riley, Jeffrey, Russell, Colin, SG and J.J.. My friends, siblings, and children.

I've mentioned before how I form attachments quickly with people. These nine men (and my son) are no different. I've a special connection to each of them. Yet for some reason I felt like it was wrong to feel that connection with so many people. Not that the connection I have with each of them is at all the same, but to feel so strongly about so many people seemed weird. Mainly because I don't let a whole lot of people in.

Joe and Jeffrey are different, of course, because I see them nearly every day. Believe it or not, I don't see Jeffrey every day even though he lives with me. LOL. The boy is busy. SG is different as well since I've seen him a few times as well.

Riley and Russell are more like family than anything else. I've said several times how Riley is my other son. I love him to death that's for sure. Russell is like a brother to me and I could never be more grateful for all the advice and encouragement he's given me.

But see, I form attachments so easily. I know what I like about people and when I find those qualities in people I latch on. Latch on could be a strong way of putting it. Maybe a better way to say it would be I want to keep those I care about close to me.

My therapist talked about how each of these guys fills a different role in my life because of their different qualities. The fact that for so long I've shut love and the like out of my life that me becoming friendly with so many different personalities is natural. Or so she says.

Chris is really responsible for a great deal of my comfort level with people. He's the first person who really made me believe that I'm worth getting to know. He was the first to break through my armor completely. I talked about him in first part of my 'Yourself through my eyes' blog. He'll always be important to me because of it.

Donal is very much like me, or the me I was in the past. He's an amazing friend. I love him to death and would do anything at all for him... I just can't tell him that because he's a bit 'anti-gay talk' as he puts it. He really dug deep into my past and accepted it. Our friendship is strained at times, but he'll be my friend until one of us leaves the world.

Mark's the one I think I'm the closest with. I realized the other day that he truly pays attention to what I do and say. Where most guys will just say they know things about you... Mark really does. He's gotten very much past my armor and it feels good to say it and know it. I love that he recognizes my intelligence and isn't hindered by it. And as I said in a previous blog, he's the first guy in a very long time to see my girly side. He taps into that part of my mind like nobody else ever could.

Colin fills my need to care for someone. He's had such a rough time as of late. When we talk it's mainly me trying to boost his self-esteem and then him telling me I'm lovely for doing it. I can't imagine why anyone would want to hurt this man, but he's been hurt in a bad way recently. He's one of those people they say are in your life for a reason. I think the reason is so that I can give him his confidence back. I hope I'm up to the task.

And then there's J.J.. He's the man who I can count on for humor. He'd be upset if I didn't mention that he's brilliant, beautiful, with a big (ah hem), as well as modest. I keep wanting to say 'but seriously,' but it seems so out of place. We laugh a whole lot when we talk... a need I have always had. More than likely he thinks I'm a but of a nutter, he's just too much of a gentleman to say it.

So there's my connections: Love, admiration, friendship, humor, caring, sanity, respect, hope, and... well, love. Can never have too much of that.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Little Things

I've always believe, in relationships, the little things can often mean just as much or more as the big things. Knowing what type of flowers a girl perfers is sometimes just as good as getting her the flowers. Remembering how your boyfriend likes to drink his coffee can go a long way in solidifying your relationship. Here's a few little things I think mean a great deal to those you love... or at least just me. Maybe it will teach you something about your own relationship or a future one.

1. Even if you can't be with them all the time, let them know you've got them on your mind. It's easier now with email and text messaging. No matter how busy you get, take a second to say, 'thinking about you' or 'missing you.'

2. Remember things that they love and use them to make them happy. Quote their favorite movie or song, bring a smile to their face because you remembered something about them.

3. Ask questions about their life. It's nearly impossible to know everything, no matter how long you've been together.

4. To quote SG... cook 'em their favorite food. Apparently cake goes over well with some people, although that's baking. But you see where I'm going. It's inexpensive and satisfying.

5. Show your love whenever you can... life is short so don't take it for granted.

6. Back massage.... good. I prefer the neck/head massage myself, but all it takes is a little bit of time and creativity.

7. Make 'em laugh. Nothing feels quite like a good laugh.

8. Go for a drive. Nice country road is most agreeable. Just don't run outta gas. :P

9. Ask about your partner's friends. It shows that remember other people who are important to them. Nobody is saying you've gotta like them... but it makes you look like the bigger person.

10. Never forget their birthday... that's just the kiss of death.

There's more, but I can't really share all my secrets can I?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yourself Through My Eyes - Part II

As promised, here's a few more of you how I see you.

Three years we've been friends, thank you for sticking by me through all my drama. You've been the guy I turned to more than once when life got me down, sending me notes when stuff turned bad. I see you as the shoulder to cry on when it's needed. I see you as words of encouragement when I was at a loss. I see you as my brother, father, uncle, and friend.

Lady you're so kind. I love your sense of humor and how you are so gun-ho about things you believe in and like. I love reading your blog and seeing things through your eyes. To me you're a strong and caring person, and I see you taking on many challenges in life and beating them head on. Yes, that's what I meant to say. :)

Our friendship is very intense. I've seen you extremely happy and at the other end of that spectrum. It kills me to see you upset and putting yourself down. I could only wish that you'd see yourself as I do, as so many people see you. You're lovely dear, never forget that. To me you are a benevolent soul who brings light to those around you. The people of England could learn a bit from you. :P

How's my swearing quota doing? Gold stars? Long live the DOD! I've always got a carefree mood when I talk to you, even when we're discussing Voldermort. LOL. Now what will I get for saying something nice about you? Ahh, this one's on me. I can see you going a long way in this life. Using that adorable smile and excellent sense of humor to take you nearly as far as your brain will. To me you're the man willing to hold my hair back when I vomit. Haha. But seriously, it's all good... as are you. But don't forget, you're modest so don't let your head swell from reading this.

I could be talking about myself here, the two of us are so similar in so many ways. Okay, so you're a man and much taller than I, but you know what I mean. If there's someone out there that shares a portion of my grey matter, it's you. I see you as hope. In my eyes you're someone who gives me the biggest piece of hope for the future. You never let me put myself down, something that's always come so easy to me, and you show me why I shouldn't. What's more, you're the only one who's ever seen my girly side and it doesn't frighten you. Hope... that's you.

There's so many of you I'd like to write about... gimme time to get to you all.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Yourself Through My Eyes - Part I

I wish all my friends could see themselves through my eyes. See you how I see you. It occured to me, however, that my friends might not know what I see in them. Today I will tell a few of you how I see you. I'll follow up with another blog about the rest of my friends at a later date. Maybe seeing yourself through the eyes of a person who loves you unconditionally will help all of you see yourself in a new light.

Frakker (aka Ralph)
I've known you for a while now and your heart is amazing. Even down you've always taken the time to make those around you feel good about themselves. I've seen you lift people up with your humor, myself included. I see you as a director, directing the lives of the people you care about. I'm lucky to be one of those people.

I don't think I can ever say enough about you my sweetheart. For such a young man you have a wisdom far surpassing many men twice your age. In my eyes you can do nothing wrong. In my eyes you are my child whom I will always fiercely protect. Funny how you're always trying to protect me.

Gab (aka Gabfan)
Woman you're a gift. You're so much like a sister to me, even more so than my own flesh and blood. You're the type of person I never get bored talking to. In my eyes you're a teacher, a bard, and a life-long friend. Go Red Devils! :P

My darlin' you're brilliant. I see so much potential in you and your life. I can see you conquering and changing the world. I know what it is you must overcome, and I know you will do it. You see through me, so in my eyes you're a superhero. You're Superman... and you're a super man.

Hoeech (aka Hoeech)
I've always wanted an older brother, I hope you understand why I see you as mine. You're advice is always given with love and respect. You're help has been invaluable to me. Your friendship as well. In my eyes you're the man a father wants his daughter to fall in love with... and how very lucky your girlfriend is to have you.

Bri (aka Breezy)
You go girl! Look what you're doing! I love the fact that you know exactly who you are and say, 'screw it' to anyone who doesn't like it. In my eyes you're a warrior.... I only wish you could see that side of yourself. I can never thank you enough for sharing your words with all of us because they show us how much you've grown over the years.

The man who has broken down my walls more than once. You're someone who doesn't give up, yet at the same time knows when to back down. Traits very rare to have in combination with each other. I see you doing everything and anything to achieve your happy ending. In my eyes you're a savior, someone who taught me to open up to others. The sweetest man in all of Scotland.

Amy and Russell
I have to put the two of you together because I just can't imagine a world where you two aren't together. I see you both as promise. What true love can do to people. It gives me hope for all of us. In my eyes you're family and always will be. You're lucky to have one another, and we're lucky for having you both.

If you've not seen your name, you'll come soon. I've so much to say about you all.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reading My Thoughts

If you could read my thoughts right now you might be a little surprised. They're all jumbled:

I'm thinking about the book I'm currently reading, A Secret History of the IRA by Ed Moloney. It's very interesting.

I'm thinking about Jeffrey going to Washington, DC for a week this summer. He kinda wants to go into politics to change the world.

I'm thinking about Donal. It's his birthday tomorrow. He's said he doesn't like to celebrate so I'm not sure how to wish him a happy day.

I'm thinking about Watchmen which is coming out tomorrow. I can't wait to see it.

I'm thinking about Dave. He was sad yesterday and I can totally understand why he'd be. We've not spoken in a while and his mood was not what I was expecting at all.

I'm thinking about the car I'm gonna buy. I'm not unhappy about doing so, but I know nothing about cars so it's a weird decision to make.

I'm thinking about work and all that still needs to be done today. I'm on lunch and will be leaving 15 minutes after I'm back so I have to count on the b-witch to do something for once.

I'm thinking about Chris. The sweetest man in all of Scotland needed a mental hug yesterday as well.

I'm thinking about Frakker and Shadow. I haven't spoken to them in a while.

I'm thinking about Ireland. Making arrangements for when I go. Reading up, packing up, loosening up.

I'm so jumbled.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Open Letter

So you've been reading my blog it seems.
Reading about my feelings, my likes, my loves.
The things that scare me and the things that give me strength.
You've been mentioned.
More than once.
Others have as well.
You're backing away.
So are they.
The intensity is too much for you.
Imagine what it's like for me.
To let someone see me so intimately.
To admit that I need help at times.
Strength without struggle is half-hearted.
Life full of fear can be rough.
Overcoming fear makes us stronger.
Finding the strength can be tough.
Share my strength.
My experience.
My friendship.
From me, you've nothing to fear.
See me for who I truly am.
Know my passion and compassion for the blessings they are.
Read my blog again.
This time... hear my voice when you do.
Feel the words as they were intended.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

All Hell Breaks Loose

Friday was my friend Joe's birthday. Happy 39th Joe! He's a very depressed person who has a great deal of problems. One of which is his girlfriend, but I won't go into that. So Friday I took Joe out for lunch for his birthday.

Now normally I take my lunch break between 2:30 and 3:00, depending on how busy I am that day. My break is an hour, so taking it late normally doesn't come into play with the rest of the department. However on Friday I took lunch at 12:30 because Joe had a meeting at 2:00.

Wouldn't you know it, the one day I go to lunch early... all hell breaks loose.

If you've read my other blog over the last few months you know that tension is high in my department. My manager is not a real manager... she is in title only. She doesn't know how to handle conflict nor does she know how to get the best out of the department. She's stuck in the 80s and doesn't like change. My friend Seem works in my office as well. She's a nice girl but she's about 60 years old in her thinking. And where Donal says I'm not assertive, Seem is 100 times worse than I could ever be. Then there's the woman we like to refer to as b-witch. The ignorant woman who has worked her about 6 months less than I have and still tells customers that she's 'new' to explain why she can't answer their questions.

A few months ago the b-witch made an accusation against me in the office and, being the not assertive person I am, I put her in her place and went off on her. Needless to say she's not accused me of anything since then. She has, however, taken her venom out on Seem. Now that wouldn't be so bad because she's just a mean and miserable person, but her husband works with us as well... and he does his best to make Seem's life a living hell. Friday, when I was out to lunch, he threatened her.

Threatned her to the point that she's afraid of him now. To the point where she's thinking of going to the police. Screw that, don't think about it, if you're scared that much just go!

So now the office is even more tense than ever. Nobody really talks any longer. I mean, I'm not too upset about that because they all have very ancient ideas about life and they also tend to talk a bunch about stupid shit, but when I start laughing about something Chris or Donal has said to me on MSN, it seems really out of place.

It's giving me a migraine. Grrr!