Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yourself Through My Eyes - Part II

As promised, here's a few more of you how I see you.

Three years we've been friends, thank you for sticking by me through all my drama. You've been the guy I turned to more than once when life got me down, sending me notes when stuff turned bad. I see you as the shoulder to cry on when it's needed. I see you as words of encouragement when I was at a loss. I see you as my brother, father, uncle, and friend.

Lady you're so kind. I love your sense of humor and how you are so gun-ho about things you believe in and like. I love reading your blog and seeing things through your eyes. To me you're a strong and caring person, and I see you taking on many challenges in life and beating them head on. Yes, that's what I meant to say. :)

Our friendship is very intense. I've seen you extremely happy and at the other end of that spectrum. It kills me to see you upset and putting yourself down. I could only wish that you'd see yourself as I do, as so many people see you. You're lovely dear, never forget that. To me you are a benevolent soul who brings light to those around you. The people of England could learn a bit from you. :P

How's my swearing quota doing? Gold stars? Long live the DOD! I've always got a carefree mood when I talk to you, even when we're discussing Voldermort. LOL. Now what will I get for saying something nice about you? Ahh, this one's on me. I can see you going a long way in this life. Using that adorable smile and excellent sense of humor to take you nearly as far as your brain will. To me you're the man willing to hold my hair back when I vomit. Haha. But seriously, it's all good... as are you. But don't forget, you're modest so don't let your head swell from reading this.

I could be talking about myself here, the two of us are so similar in so many ways. Okay, so you're a man and much taller than I, but you know what I mean. If there's someone out there that shares a portion of my grey matter, it's you. I see you as hope. In my eyes you're someone who gives me the biggest piece of hope for the future. You never let me put myself down, something that's always come so easy to me, and you show me why I shouldn't. What's more, you're the only one who's ever seen my girly side and it doesn't frighten you. Hope... that's you.

There's so many of you I'd like to write about... gimme time to get to you all.


Anonymous said...

It's about time!!!!! I'm the man! Darrie, I think you are a sensitive and strong lady. It is a pleasure to know and help you.

boromirbeauty said...

SG: Thank you. That's very kind of you to say.