Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reading My Thoughts

If you could read my thoughts right now you might be a little surprised. They're all jumbled:

I'm thinking about the book I'm currently reading, A Secret History of the IRA by Ed Moloney. It's very interesting.

I'm thinking about Jeffrey going to Washington, DC for a week this summer. He kinda wants to go into politics to change the world.

I'm thinking about Donal. It's his birthday tomorrow. He's said he doesn't like to celebrate so I'm not sure how to wish him a happy day.

I'm thinking about Watchmen which is coming out tomorrow. I can't wait to see it.

I'm thinking about Dave. He was sad yesterday and I can totally understand why he'd be. We've not spoken in a while and his mood was not what I was expecting at all.

I'm thinking about the car I'm gonna buy. I'm not unhappy about doing so, but I know nothing about cars so it's a weird decision to make.

I'm thinking about work and all that still needs to be done today. I'm on lunch and will be leaving 15 minutes after I'm back so I have to count on the b-witch to do something for once.

I'm thinking about Chris. The sweetest man in all of Scotland needed a mental hug yesterday as well.

I'm thinking about Frakker and Shadow. I haven't spoken to them in a while.

I'm thinking about Ireland. Making arrangements for when I go. Reading up, packing up, loosening up.

I'm so jumbled.


Cartrunk Entertainment said...

Don't worry. I've been thinking about you too. Which is what brought me here. All is mostly well in my world. Just...not sure of my place in all this mumbo jumbo. I'm slowly getting back into things after the show I directed ended.

boromirbeauty said...

Frakker: Gosh I missed you. I'm so glad that your show went well. Glad to hear things are mostly well... same for me. Mumbo jumbo is right... sometimes life is weird.

Cartrunk Entertainment said...

I tell you, I just haven't been haven't been galvanized to come here It feels very much like "you" have a place. You can get to that place. others MAY be able to get to that place. do what you and the rest of the world will leave you alone.... Eh. It doesn't feel friendly. It feels very clinical.

So...even when I've had time I ...I haven't been coming here. I've got not ambition to write blogs. It's sad. I used to enjoy it so much.

boromirbeauty said...

Frakker: Sweetie, what's going on? I haven't heard you like this in a long time. How can I help?

Cartrunk Entertainment said...

Nothing's wrong. This just...this isn't "home."

boromirbeauty said...

Frakker: Don't feel badly. Even home doesn't feel like home for me any longer. My home is somewhere far away with someone even farther.

Anonymous said...

Ireland better watch out! The men of Ireland at least.

boromirbeauty said...

SG: Maybe I'll be the one in trouble. lol ;)