Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't Go Naked.... On Uno

I've been playing a great deal of Uno on Xbox Live lately. It's so addictive and very relaxing. In the meantime, there's a 'dark' side to Uno. Use the Force Luke! It's not so much a bad thing as an annoying-as-hell-thing. Some people enjoy going naked on their camera while playing Uno. They also enjoy sending requests for naked photos and various other things. The following will be a collection of stories about 'Naked Uno'....

While playing with my friend Russell today VerdantSmasher entered the room completely naked while laying spread eagle on a Lay-Z Boy. He left shortly after entering because I don't have my camera set to see everyone.

Later, when Russell and I were playing with another friend Nareaus, we were having a conversation about streaking when a guy came into the room and heard us. He took the conversation as a 'threat' and thought he'd show his butt before Nareaus did and so he whipped down his pants in front of the camera. Needless to say, it didn't go over well with Nareaus who called Xbox and reported him.

More to come...


Mr.SHADOW said...

People always find a way to turn a card game into sex game :):):):) if they didn`t invent internet what would those sex maniacs and perverts do :):):) I can`t find an answer :)

boromirbeauty said...

Shadow you're right hun, then do. I have no probably with Naked Uno in the privacy of your own home, but this stuff is just freaky. Funny at times, but freaky nonetheless.

Mr.SHADOW said...

Freaky side is internet brings out the worst in the people. You think you can do whatever you want because you feel there is no punishment for what you`ve done. You think nobody can find you. You know what, you can capture those naked bastards pictures and you can do a website naked uno bastards :):):):)

boromirbeauty said...

By the way, that should have said 'they do' not 'then do.'
I was working off very little sleep when I answered you dear. :)

Mr.SHADOW said...

you working at night ?

boromirbeauty said...

No, I have insomnia so I don't sleep very much. I go through long periods of time with very little sleep, which is happening now.

Mr.SHADOW said...

That`s not good :( Does that happen often ?

boromirbeauty said...

It does from time to time. I have actually gone over a week without sleep before. I think I need to start drinking vodka. :P

Mr.SHADOW said...

a week without sleep ?!?!?! Really ? how do you feel ? after a couple of days ?

Mr.SHADOW said...

Did you watch Machinist with Christian Bale ? Is it like that when you have insomnia ?

boromirbeauty said...

Shadow: I have seen that movie, it was a bit creepy. No, I'm not like that thank the goddess, but where he could only get a few cat naps in here and there, I know how that feels. I'm pretty good at working through it, but it leads to migraines which are just killer.

SweetPeaSurry said...

Naked Uno. That's fantastic!!! I would do that, but I don't have an XBox. J/K!!!

Mr.SHADOW said...

I can find you an Xbox to rent for a while so you can do whatever you want :P:P:P

boromirbeauty said...

SweetPea you're too funny.
Shadow I'll tell you where to get one. :)

Mr.SHADOW said...

Not me :) she wants one :)