Thursday, January 29, 2009

Randomness Extraordinaire

Or maybe not. Who the hell knows. I just liked the title. But it's a lot of pressure, I mean, extraordinaire... what I've got to say better be good. Maybe nothing I say is good and I'm setting myself up to let you all down.

Oh hell, that couldn't happen. Y'all love me too much. Hoeech I'm still waiting for the verdict on how I feel. :) And if my Frakking Frakker doesn't stop by soon I'm gonna cry. No, he's working - I can deal. Besides, DJ is comin' 'round enough to pick up the slack. :P

What is wrong with me, I'm sitting in my cold office with a short sleeve shirt on and it's obvious I'm cold. Hey, get your mind out of the gutter! I'm shivering, not the other thing. You know that doesn't work on me any more.

I'm on my lunch break but I'm sitting at my desk doing this because I don't really wanna go outside to my cold car. I had to put my iPod on because the ladies are listening to Celine Dion. Now I know that Celine has a beautiful voice. I would never question that. I actually do like a few of her songs... very few. But why the hell not pump tryptophan into the air? So I'm listening to a few of my latest downloads: Pez, Kings of Leon, Flo Rider, and Audioslave. Not to mention some of my old favorites: Alkaline Trio, Zebrahead, Travis, and Patra.

Have I mentioned that I'm about to kick the teeth in of the woman in my office? Today she has just pushed me over the edge. I have a short fuse at times and she's lit it with a vengence. I went onto to talk to Russell and let him know that he's gonna have to bring his girlfriend (Amy) and our mutual friend Crzy to visit me in jail. Haha. Seriously, I have a few choice names for this woman at the moment but I'm trying not to use that type of language right now because I know I'll never stop once I get on a roll.

This lyric is stuck in my head... and I like it... "Finally someone let me out of my cage." I know what you're saying sweetheart. Let's play...

I can't leave you without a bit of tasty goodness...


Mr.SHADOW said...

I know how it feels when you have someone always pushing you over the edge, back in my country when I was a military officer I had a colonel always picking on me :) he had me realized that military is not for me :) lunch breaks can be good times to give a break and reconstruct your nerves :):):)

boromirbeauty said...

Shadow if only the woman I work with was my boss, I can deal with the boss being mad at me or causing me problems. But it's actually someone below me on the rank.

Mr.SHADOW said...

kick her ass out :):):):) kick her ass soo hard so she can`t sit for a long time :):):):)

Anonymous said...

Wayhay!! It's the man, Eric Bana, himself! Nero's gonna rock the boat soon enough. Gonna be a good movie, I reckon.

Anyways, thought I'd drop by and say HEY!! and show some love :)