Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back in Black

So apparently I've been writing weird sht and freaking people out. Sorry! I feel horrible for making anyone worry. You've gotta understand, sometimes my humor can get a bit dark and it's reflected in my writing. There are times my muse just wants to let loose and I let her take control. That said, you'll never have to worry about me doing something 'bad' to myself. I know how short life is... I don't plan on giving it a hand to get shorter. I've got too much to live for, and too many people that I love who would be affected by something like that. Not the least of which are you, my second family, whom I love to no end. And especially Riley, who is my heart.... in a motherly way that is. My son goes without saying... although I just did.

I have been mentioning Ireland a bit lately. Last night I had a refresher course in the heartache that has taken place in that country over the years. Here in the U.S. we don't learn about the history of Ireland to that extent. The Great Irish Famine we hear about, but not the struggle that continues to take place there. I actually dated a guy from Belfast at one time, so I've heard stories before, but last night it was like my eyes had been open again. And what I saw was heartbreaking. I'm still in love with the country and it's people, but now I've an even greater respect for both.

Chris gave me a few new songs to download... I'm so excited! Who else has something for me, remember, I listen to anything. :) I think I'm heading to Best Buy on Friday to purchase a few CD's that I just have to have.

So see, I'm feeling wonderful still. No need to worry. And just because I haven't mentioned it in a while. I love Riley. :) Love you all...

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