Saturday, February 14, 2009

Things I Love... An Anti-Valentine's Day Post

I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. If you read my blog you know that I just don't agree with there being one day set aside during the year that makes people feel that they need to show their love for one another. To quote my other blog... If you're in love, shouldn't every month be the month of love? Shouldn't you show the person, or people, that you love how you feel 365 days of the year? Do you really need a month, or a day, to remind you to do that? I believe that wholeheartedly, as you probably notice since I'm always telling you all that I love you. Last night someone wished me a Happy Valentine's Day. It was just a friend being kind, but it was very touching... espeically since he knows how I feel about the whole thing. However, it's kindness like that which gives a person hope for the fate of the world.

Strange that I say that I'm sure, but I have to believe that all small steps can lead to bigger ones. If everyone took a few small steps in the direction of the positive and fewer back to the negative, the world might heal. Or at the very least improve. As I always say, nobody is perfect but everyone strives for perfection. Myself, I've been striving to better myself physically since October when I just said, 'to hell with all this bs... get on with it.' As for mentally, I'm always trying to better myself in that way. I read a whole lot and study most things I become interested in. Sadly I just don't have the stomach for politics. I know all too well that politics is really just a bunch of sound bites that are meant to get you to think the way the person saying them does. Although I am willing to learn, as with everything else, so if you're willing to teach me....

Ahhh... the point of the blog today was supposed to be telling you things that I love. Mind wander much? Yeah so, hmmm, where to start? Ahh, the obvious.. my son. Blah blah blah, talk your ear off about him, blah blah blah. You've heard it all before. Although Donal is gonna come over and 'make a proper man outta him.' So that might be new.

Another one which is also obvious... I love you all. My friends and second family. Not to (forget to) mention my friends at home and around the world. God, I know so many people. I miss the people from my English as a Second Language class who have since moved back to their countries, but it's nice hearing from them every now and again. :)

I live on an island now, but for most of my childhood I grew up in the mountains. I love green grass and rolling hills. The clouds grazing the trees and the freshness in the air. It's peaceful to me. It's not that the ocean and the beach isn't grand... I do love to walk the boardwalk (at night) and listen to the waves, it's just not as inviting as green grass.

I love to cook. It's fun for me. I've considered going to culinary school quite a few times. I'd do it for my own benefit though, not to get a job as chef. I'd end up knifing someone who gave me a bad review. :lol: I'd rather just stick to cooking for pleasure and not make it something that I must do. I know a few chefs who hate to cook at home, and that would suck for me if that happened.

Hell there's so many things I can say. How about this... I love my freckly arms and my tiny ears and my devilish laugh. Ya gotta love something about yourself so that's a good place to start.

Love you all. Happy day before the 15th. :)

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