Sunday, February 8, 2009

Karen Marie Moning Has Ruined Most Men for Me

I've always had this bit of an obsession for everything Irish and Scottish. Since I was 12 years old I've wanted to live in Ireland. To be in such a beautiful country with such a full and rich history, it's always been a dream of mine. The fact that it's also 'a hop away' from Scotland helps to make it such a perfect place. To me, that is.

Then I became a fan of author Karen Marie Moning... and she's gone and ruined most men for me. So I've already got this thing for men who are Irish and Scottish, but Karen takes these fantasy men to a whole new level for me. That's saying something because I've already got this perfect fantasy in my head, not to mention a very vivid imagination.

It's unfair really, nobody could really live up to an author's creation. I mean, they make these people perfect for a reason. Karen's 'Highlanders' and 'Fae' are beyond measure. Yet my idea of perfection might be even harder to live up to, because mine has more to do with character than looks. More heart than fortune. More mind than body.

All the same, Karen has ruined most men for me because now can hear another voice in my head telling me that my fantasy is able to be reality.... a very dangerous thing.

Love you all....

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