Saturday, February 7, 2009

Books, Movies, Television, and Music

I'm currently reading two books... or at least attempting to. I've slowed down a whole lot on my reading as of late. For one, the novel I am reading Stay the Night by Lynn Viehl is her last in the current Darkyn series. I really don't want this series to end so I'm prolonging it as much as possible. Secondly, I'm reading Heartbreaker by Bret Hart. Yeah... the former pro-wrestler, that's the one. I'm not too far along in it, but that's mainly because it's pretty sad and therefore takes a lot out of me to read. :\

As for movies... I'm dying to see Push and the most recent addition to the Underworld series. Hopefully I'll get to the theatre to see them, but if not I'm sure they'll be out on DVD soon enough. I watched the 2006 film Bobby earlier today. A bit slow, but so moving. The ending really got to me. Bobby Kennedy was a great man and this film showed how much he meant to the world and the U.S. in general.

I've been slacking on my television watching this second half of the season. I have been able to catch up on How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, and Battlestar Galactica. Right now I'm working on LOST, and will soon follow with Smallville, One Tree Hill, and Bones. I've also missed the last two episodes of Top Chef, but since Bravo seems to rerun their shows so often, I'm not too worried about that one. My friend Mari is dying for me to catch up on two of the shows since I'm her only friend who watches them. Tom and George, however, are huge TC fans and they are waiting for me to catch up with that.

I have been catching up on my new music, however. Between Riley, Dave, and Chris I've added a bunch of stuff to my iTunes Library... and of course my iPod. I think that I need some more stuff though, so if you've got something for me, let me know.

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