Monday, February 23, 2009

Come Closer... Now Get Away

Well, I got another one of those question thingies. I dunno what else to write at the moment so this seemed like a good thing to post. Love you all, as always.

Weird Stuff
1. One word someone has used to describe you lately: Muppet
2. One word you've used to describe someone else: Grand
3. Who were you talking about: Donal - he's also the person who called me a Muppet
4. Who is this person: My friend
5. Last person you spoke to in real life: Jeffrey
6. Last person you spoke to online: Donal
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone: Jeffrey
8. What color is your car: Gold
9. What color is your house: White
10. What color are you wearing today: Black

Love Stuff
1. Are you in love: No
2. Is someone in love with you: No
3. Have you ever been in love: Once
4. Does this person know it: He did
5. Last time you told someone you loved them: I don't think my son counts in this one
6. Name something you love: Music
7. What do people love about you: I'm 'sweet'
8. Do you love me: Not for much longer if this doesn't end soon
9. Do I love you: We're related so I think so
10. Describe love using one word: Complicated

Stuff About You
1. Can you cook: Yes
2. Can you sew: No... I suck
3. Can you drive: Yes
4. Can you dance: Yes
5. Can you read: Unfortunately, after this I'm thinking of giving it up
6. Can you sing: Everyone can, just not everyone does it well
7. Can you give blood: I've had practice... I no longer faint
8. Can you do anything special: Depends on who you ask
9. Can you swim: Like a fish
10. Can you give me Five Bucks: If it will keep you from sending me these things, yes

Have You Ever... Stuff
1. Kissed someone of the same sex: No
2. Been to another country: Canada when I was a baby
3. Been in a car accident: Yes
4. Thought of someone else during sex: Umm... maybe - it's complex
5. Been too drunk to drive: Never... I don't normally drink
6. Used drugs: Only what the doctors give me
7. Wanted something that didn't belong to you: Sure
8. Lie about your age: No reason to... is that a dig by the way?
9. Had sex outside: Umm... maybe
10. Lied that you loved someone: Nope, it wouldn't be right

Final Thoughts
1. Say something nice about the people from part one:
Jeffrey - A truly wonderful human being
Donal - A remarkable man who I feel lucky to have as a friend
Darrie - I'm okay with the person I am, flaws and all
2. Anyone else you'd like to say nice things about:
Chris - He may be the sweetest man in all of Scotland
Riley - He's like a son to me
Russell & Amy - The cutest couple on the planet
Sean - Very Charming


Televisnostic Insomniac said...

I enjoyed this and I migth just do it.
Your answers were quite good.

boromirbeauty said...

Tel: Glad to have my fellow Islander here with us. Thanks for the compliment. :)

Televisnostic Insomniac said...

You're welcome.
I'm starting to get the hang of the site.

boromirbeauty said...

Tel: Glad to hear it. :)