Thursday, February 5, 2009

Take Me or Leave Me - It's the End of the World as We Know It

And I feel fine. :) That song has been stuck in my head for a few weeks now. It's gotten so bad that now Riley and Russell sing it with me. We just need one more member of our little band and we can cut a deal. Haha.... never, we don't sound that good.

Well today's blog is again about me. Tired of learning new things yet? I say stick with what you know, and since I've been slacking on my television and movie watching, not to mention my reading, talking about myself might be best. I could give you all a bunch of trivia about mythology from around the world, but something tells me you wouldn't be interested. :) Again, that's assuming that you're interested in reading about me. It's just a bunch of random sh*t, so feel free to skip what you already know. If there is anything.

You'll always have to excuse me when I send you an email or write a blog. I never pay too much attention to grammar or spelling. I tend to write as if I were talking to you, so you can better hear my tone in the words you're reading. It's not proper, I know, but it's just how I am.

**side note, I just went to move my car and guess what is playing on the radio!!**

Let's dance! I love to. How much fun is it to just jump around and be crazy? I'm always doing it. In my car, at my desk, just walking through the office. I don't really need music - as if you couldn't have guessed that - but it does make things a bit more interesting. You don't have to be good to have a good time, and I always do. Hmm... that makes me sound as if I'm not good. You're not gonna see me in Usher's next video, but I can hold my own. My son, on the other hand is a fantastic dancer. He's had a great deal of training. Me on the other hand... just ballet.

Speaking of my son... He is the love of my life. The apple of my blue eyes. I know everyone always talks about how their kids are great, and they very well should, but if he wasn't my son I'd still think he was a wonderful person. He's truly a great human being. Kind, caring, and very open with his feelings. He's a leader among his peers, and quite respected by every adult who knows him. I often am told by the people around Long Beach that I've 'raised a fine gentlemen.' Which is all I can ever hope for. We have this strange relationship. I trust him and he protects me. We text each other every day or talk on xbox live... even though he's normally in the next room. I could not be more proud of him, and of myself for doing it on my own.

Not too long ago Joe pointed out that he can always tell when I'm in a good mood because I wear jewelry. All four holes in my ears (3 in one, 1 in the other) will be decked out. I'll wear something around my neck, quite often something made by my sister. I'll also wear something around my wrist or on my fingers. I normally don't wear anything on my left hand or wrists (because I'm left handed) unless I don't want people to bother me when I'm out. In that case I'll wear something on my ring finger.... if you know what I mean. But it's true, I've been wearing a great deal of jewelry lately and thinking about it makes me feel good. I don't look gawdy mind you, but I do look sparkly. :) In fact, today I'm wearing a 'likeness' of the Goddess Pele around my neck. Hmmmm... I guess I found a way to work mythology into this.

I'm loud! I laugh loud. I talk loud. I think loud. Huh? Yeah, my mind never stops and it's a bit of a pain in the ass. I guess that's a bit of a turn off. Women should look pretty and not be heard. Or at least that's what I've been told. Demure isn't a word you'd use to describe me. Don't get me wrong, I know when to hold my tongue, but it kills me to do so at times. Yet at the same time I love to listen to a conversation taking place. If I get quiet it's because I just wanna hear what you've got to say. If I don't agree I'll put in my 2 cents. If I do agree, I'll probably do the same anyway. But I'm loud so keep that in mind.

I'm a bit independent when it comes to relationships. I don't want a man who wants a mother. I'll do for you but you've gotta be prepared for me to want you the hell away from me at times. I'm never gonna complain that you've gone off with your friends, because I know you're coming home to me at night. And at the same time, every so often I just need someone to understand that my life has had a few heavy moments in the past that will cause me to just want your company. My armor is very tough to crack, but the end result is worth it.

I guess that's enough to start with. LOL. See ya soon.


Russell and Amy said...

Thanks to u i cant git that song out of my hed. Ya, well... Me and Amy have the highper thang to. We make u smile with shouts as one moment we are fine and then out of the blue she atacks me. You no for some one her size she can put up a fight. Hu.. gess i showed her to much. mmm... naaa...

boromirbeauty said...

Russell: It's all good. The two of you are so cute, I love it. Don't worry, I'll probably have another song stuck in my head soon...

Mr.SHADOW said...

Wow :) you got so many thing to tell at 7:52 AM :):):)
I came where the mythology born :) Greece and Anatolia :) I`m Anatolian and our neighbor is Greece :)
I was a DJ so I don`t need to tell about dancing and singing :):):)
May we learn what song stuck in that sweet head ? :)
I`m happy for you that you have a great son as do I :)
Keep being loud :) because people never knows you`re exist if you are a silent one :)
And being independent is always better being dependent to somebody :)

boromirbeauty said...

Shadow: Sadly I can't get my clock to run at the right time. I actually wrote that during the day yesterday.
My co-worker is from Cyprus... she's clueless about mythology from her country, it's kinda sad to me.
The REM song "It's the End of the World as We Know It"
I get the idea that guys only want you loud at certain times.... *wink wink*
Don't get me wrong, I love to talk to a guy I'm interested in, but I need to have that space also.

Mr.SHADOW said...

Coming from in this Mediterranean area and being clueless about mythology ?!?!?! soo sad :)
I know that song :) The question is do you feel fine ? :)
You get the wrong idea :) I don`t know where did you get it :) Real man wants to hear his woman`s voice loud always :)

boromirbeauty said...

Shadow: Yes I do feel fine. Better than fine actually.
No wonder you're such a happily married man. You're wife is a lucky lady, as are all of us who you count among your friends.
My ideas come from dating quite a few guys who weren't as open minded as they should have been. :P

Mr.SHADOW said...

The world`s end is coming and you feel better than fine ? I knew something`s wrong with you baby :P
I got your sidekick powers : finding the close minded men :):):):) what a gift :) You need to change that :)
What about this : ability to turn all men into very open minded slaves of you with one touch :):):) please wear gloves if you touch me :P I`m open minded enough :P

boromirbeauty said...

Shadow: Not to mention that your wife would shoot me in the head. LOL.
I want the super power of mind reading so I could tell when a guy is just trying to get something outta me.... or well, the opposite.
There is something wrong with me though, I've got an ear on my blog.... wasn't that clue enough?

Mr.SHADOW said...

That means you like to show off yourself part by part :P:P:P
Mind reading doesn`t make you happy all the time :)

boromirbeauty said...

Shadow: Yeah, I know. But I'd rather have honesty than false promises. I've had too many of those in my life.
Next part.... my nostrils. LOL.

Mr.SHADOW said...

then ? belly button ? LOL

boromirbeauty said...

Shadow: Maybe my big toe. LOL

Mr.SHADOW said...
