Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On a Bored Day I Can See Forever

So I'm sitting on XBox Live playing Uno with two of my favorite people, Dave and Riley. I love these guys. It makes my day to talk to them, especially since I've been so sick lately.

At the moment I'm actually not talking to either of them, they've both gone away although we're still 'playing' the game. It seems just being around them makes me a little lighter than air. You know all about Riley, he's my wonderful young man - second only to my son - but you don't know anything about Dave. Let me just start out and say this... Australian! But it's more than that, he's just a completely laid back guy. Or else he's really good at pretending. It's what makes him fun to talk to, someone more laid back in real life than I am.

It's nice to have somewhere to go where nobody judges you or asks you for favors. I mean, we do that, but it's different. It's read this poem or help me pick this out. It's never, can you do an interview or can you loan me some money. They really have no idea who I am, which is very cool. But they like the person I am, which is so important to me. They might even love me a little. Some more than others, as you might know from all the messages Riley leaves here.

There's a few more people that I just couldn't live without here in my little XBox world... Russell and Amy and of course, Chris. And then there's my real life friends who I play with at times too; Joe, Will, Cody, and Jeffrey. The latter three being my son and his two best friends and Joe being my co-worker whom you all know about.

But on a day like today, where I'm bored and feel sleepy.... these are the people I enjoy the most. Who I look forward to spending some time with. I don't know how they feel about me, but I love them with all my heart.


Russell and Amy said...

I don’t just have friends I have brothers and sisters. The Army and my dark past proved that to me.

boromirbeauty said...

Russell & Amy: I love that you guys have joined. You are like my family... welcome to it. :)